Posts Tagged ‘Recovery’


“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”

Helen Keller

Do you suffer from chronic neck and upper shoulder pain on a regular basis and can’t figure out why? Perhaps you are one of the 66-90% of the population that suffers from a very common condition know as Forward Head Posture (FHP).42lbhead_free

FHP can be recognized when, from a profile or side view, a person’s ear is positioned in front of the shoulder rather than directly over it – in proper posture. This condition caused by poor posture causes the head to lean forward and for every inch that the head falls forward the head gains 10lbs worth of weight on the muscles of the neck and shoulders. The addition strain causes these muscles to work much harder to hold the head from flopping forward. When this type of stress is put on muscles for a long period of time, the body reacts by laying down scar tissue in the muscle fibers for stability. The strain on the muscles and the addition of scar tissue limits flexibility and causes additional pressure on the nerves in the neck which increases pain and fatigue. If left untreated and FHP becomes severe enough, it will not only cause long duration tension headaches, but can also increase blood pressure, cause disc herniations, arthritis, pinched nerves, and even distortions in the eyes and ears that could lead to mental disorders.

Over a period of time, forward head posture can lead to a “hunchback” like Igor!

Over a period of time, forward head posture can lead to a “hunchback” like Igor!

There is hope in correcting FHP: starting by identifying the incorrect posture through postural analysis, the following step would be to stretch out the muscles the have become tightened then strengthen the weak muscles so that you are able to hold your head up in proper posture. It’s always good to seek the advice of a professional, such as a chiropractor, to ensure there aren’t any major skeletal problems as well as a massage therapist to help ease the tension in the muscles. The same professionals can show you the proper stretches and exercises to prevent the havoc of FHP!


“Just when you think you know the answers, I change the questions!”

-Rowdy Roddy Piper

The profession of massage therapy is evolving everyday to expand and branch out into many different realms proving that it is a value part of healthcare. In the same manner, the art of professional wrestling is evolving to produce better action, healthier athletes, and longer careers for said professionals. I personally have reached outside the box for the typical demographic of massage therapy and entered the ring with treating professional wrestlers as part of my extended clientele.

This past Sunday, I was lucky enough to have the legendary Mike Mooneyham document the work that I have done with professional wrestling and how massage therapy has made and impact on the profession. Click the link below to read the article. Enjoy!



Jarrod C. Fritz LMT and The Post & Courier's Mike Mooneyham. Mike is the longest reigning pro wrestling editor ever!

Jarrod C. Fritz LMT and The Post & Courier’s Mike Mooneyham. Mike is the longest reigning pro wrestling editor ever!

“A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence”

David Hume

I know that I write and post a lot about the benefits of massage and how it is great for general health and well-being. It’s easy to assume that when reading this it’s biased and swayed because it’s my business and I am a massage therapist, but the real truth is that I never believed that massage was anything more than just a luxury. That statement right there is blasphemous to my fellow therapists I’m sure, but I have to be honest so that you understand that Massage Therapy has truly changed my life!

Like many of people who only understand massage from what they see in the media, I really thought that massage was all about relaxing with candlelight, incense, and ambient music. It wasn’t until I applied for the Physical Therapist’s Assistant program at my local community college and was denied due to a lack of volunteer hours, that I was introduced to the clinical side of massage. I decided it would be worth my while to at least give it a shot, so I applied and was required to take several medical pre requisites. Pre requisites for a massage class? I knew at this point massage therapy had to be more serious than what I interpreted.

After getting accepted into the program, I was introduced to the program director and future mentor Steve Jurch. From day one Steve took a very scientific and clinical approach to how massage, or soft tissue treatment, can really make a difference in overall health and wellness. Throughout the program, which was almost 2 years long total, I learned more about biomechnical movement, muscular anatomy, and kinesiology than I had ever thought I would. I was also able to see and experience first hand how different the therapeutic approach really was and how immediately the results could be. It changed the way I felt, moved, and even perceived my environment.

My belief in massage therapy became greater and greater over the years, but in the early stages of my career I was still reluctant and somewhat skeptical. I had to ask many questions and do significant continuing education before I started seeing my treatments really effect people in a positive way. There have been many clients that I have worked with since then that have avoided surgery, regained range of motion, reduced painful and stressful symptoms, and so much more! Massage therapy has been around for many years and has been used to treat people for all kinds of aches, pains, disorders, and illness with great results. How can I not believe in this after seeing first hand many different times!?

It may have taken me some time to convert my skepticism, but I have been a massage therapist for over 10 years and let me tell you…if it can change my mind, I’m sure that it can change yours as well!

“Diligence is the mother of good luck ”

-Benjamin Franklin


It’s no surprise to anyone that athlete’s will do just about anything to optimize their performance. Athlete’s will do extended training, extreme workouts, and learn new techniques to take them to the top. Another  element that many may not consider is the use of therapeutic massage to achieve better results. The utilization of massage for athletes is not a new idea, massage has been used by athletes for many years to produce better outcome in their respective sports. In fact, “in the first Olympic games of 776 BC, athletes received massage before an event. Afterwards, the competitors would take a dip in a hot bath, receive massage and then dip in a cold bath to prepare their muscles for the next event.” There are many benefits of massage therapy that can promote an athlete’s recovery and
optimize their performance.

Whether you are enjoying a recreational adventure race...

Whether you are enjoying a recreational adventure race…

Massage is a form of passive stretching so the application will help to keep the athlete’s muscles flexible and prepared for intense work. The amount of stress and damage done to an athlete’s muscles during their activities produces waste and pain in the body. Providing massage will help increase circulation which brings fresh blood that is full of nutrients to the areas needed, which reduces recovery time. Increased circulation also helps with the removal of the harmful wastes in the body as well as decreases pain that may limit performance. Relaxation is one of the simplest and best benefits of massage this will help the athlete to calm the nervous system which reduces anxiety, improves focus, and makes it easier to sleep which helps in the recovery process. Recently, researchers at McMaster University reported that deep massage after an intense workout actually causes muscles to enlarge and grow new mitochondria! Mitochondira, the powerhouses of our cells, are responsible for converting nutrients into useful energy. This research makes it easy to see why the addition of
massage to an athlete’s routine would help them on their road to gold!

...or you are training at an elite level, massage can  help you get the gold!

…or you are training at an elite level, massage can help you get the gold!

“Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body. ”
Arnold Schwarzenegger

How many times have you caught yourself avoiding working out because you are too sore or are not getting the results that you are looking for with weight training due to the lack of that extra push? What if there was a way to get around those obstacles? Thereis a way – Therapeutic Massage!
Lactic acids build up in the muscles due to exercise leads to DOMS or delayed
onset muscle soreness, poor muscle fiber and joint movement, and difficulty in the healing of the muscles. Studies have shown that massage flushes the muscles of built up toxins, including lactic acid. Massage also loosens the muscle fibers increasing the joints’ range of motions; therefore, allowing the muscles to repair and increase in size and strength at an accelerated rate. Receiving regular therapeutic massage in conjunction with your normal workout routines will not only help the muscles heal faster, but also
significantly reduces pain and soreness. By having the ability for your muscles to recover and build strength faster, you are able to get back to training sooner and gain more of your desired results.
Studies have also shown that massage is also a great way to decrease blood
pressure and increase energy giving you a euphoric effect that will make working out more fun and more desirable. The best part of it all is that therapeutic massage is not targeted at one specific group. The benefits of therapeutic massage can be appreciated by everyone from the competing body builder to the semi-pro athlete to the everyday person trying to get back in shape and stay fit.

“The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.”

-Lao Tzu

the new primal games

Two weeks ago, I participated in the 3rd annual Primal Games which is an event that tests your strength, endurance, skill, and drive.  It’s commonly referred to as “The Caveman Olympics” because it is full of events that we as human beings should be able to accomplish because they stem from functional primal patterns. However due to evolution and modernization such as office jobs, computer interaction, texting, and much more,  many people have forgot how to facilitate these innate patterns. Participating in the games got me thinking about 2 things:

1. Do people realize how primal massage therapy is?

2. Why wouldn’t people be more apt to utilize massage therapy to help and restore these primal patterns?

Interesting thoughts I know, but let me explain my thought process here. Anyone who knows me knows that movement patterns and fitness are always on my mind and in one way or another lead to how massage could influence everyday matters such as these ideas.

Plain and simple, massage is as primal it gets! Think about it, when you hurt yourself what is the first thing you do? You rub the area to ease the pain…massage! When a child or even young animal is upset what do the parents do? They console them and pat their back or rub their head….both essence of massage. And if you want to go as far as to ask what is one of the first things we experience when we are brought into this world? The muscle contractions utilized to deliver young are a form of massage! Massage has been used all over the world dating back thousands and thousands of years because it is innate and instinctive. Touch, when applied correctly and in a positive nature, helps to heal and optimize the functions of the body. Now due to certain stigmas and taboos, massage gets a bad rep and many people avoid it like the plague not understanding that it is primal and can benefit us greatly.

Now that we understand that massage is primal lets understand how it can help return us to our primal patterns more efficiently. Posture and movement are everything in the human body. When looking at movement there is nothing more true than the old phrase, “use it or lose it.” If you do not actively move your body in the primal patterns then over time the brain will forget to maintain them as well as letting proper posture slide into a decline. Once your posture is compromise the body starts tightening up muscles and laying down scar tissue to protect itself from getting any worse, but yet if nothing is done to prevent it or reset it it will get worse. We are seeing this situation more and more everyday as people invest more time playing video games, watching TV, or stuck in an office all day and less time being active and addressing their over all physical fitness not to mention an abundance of stress coming from all aspects of life.  Enter massage! Massage at it’s simplest form acts to calm the muscular and nervous system to release tension. Massage is also utilized to break down scar tissue and align muscle fibers to promote healing, optimize posture, and restore function in the body. Seems a little to easy and to good to be true, but it’s not. As I stated before civilizations around the world have been administering massage therapy techniques to recover warriors, prepare athletes, and nurture their fellow man for centuries.

primal movement

It seems very difficult to believe that people would be be so timid and reluctant to utilize massage therapy when it is so primal and can help us get back to our functional nature. It’s easy, fairly painless, and best of all it’s drug free!

To learn more or if you have any questions, just comment below…


“I am very serious about no alcohol, no drugs. Life is too beautiful.”

 –Jim Carrey


    St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner and there are several thing we think of when we think of this Irish holiday such as leprechauns, shamrocks,  and alcohol. I personally do not partake in alcohol at anytime and that’s my choice. For others, alcohol is a part of everyday life. When it comes to health and  wellness, I believe it is important that people should be aware of how alcohol can affect muscles and recovery.   

Alcohol is part of many cultures and societies of the world. Whether it’s celebrating holidays, relaxing after a long day of work, or just socializing with friends; many people like
to enjoy several “adult beverages” every so often.
    Many doctors and experts claim that having a drink a day, especially red wine, can have
positive effects on heart health. The biggest problem that many people face is that they don’t stop at one or two drinks;many people overindulge. Too much alcohol in the body
negatively affects the mind, body, and muscle recovery.
    Our bodies recognize alcohol as a toxin, the same as a low grade poison. The liver’s
job is to filter the blood of this harmful substance, but it can only do so at a slow rate. It
takes around an hour for our body to filter one “average” drink depending on size, sex,
race, & age. Any more than the allotted amount for the set time and damages start taking
    According to studies from Montclair State University, alcohol impedes muscle growth
by diminishing protein synthesis and the production of Human Growth Hormone. Alcohol has also been shown to reduce Testosterone and ATP in the body. The above facts make it much more difficult for your muscles to heal and recover as well as providing essential
energy to get through the day.
    It’s important to be aware of these facts about alcohol to maintain health and wellness.
Remember that moderation is the key.


“The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain”


    Many Healthcare Professionals and even many people know that one of the best ways to
recover from injury is to avoid pain as well as manage inflammation. Most of the time to avoid pain we take a pill or some other sort of oral pain reliever. In truth, these are chemicals that wreak having on our digestive system and liver.To reduce inflammation we use ice packs that usually require us to stay immobile and increases the risk of frostbite
and nerve damage. In our fast paced lifestyles and in our attempt to stay healthy, what are we to do to get the healing benefits of Cold Therapy and Pain Relievers with out all the
side effects and limiters? A good answer is Biofreeze.
   Biofreeze is a topical analgesic that is made from a USP-grade natural menthol that
helps with pain relief as well as reduces inflammation. This type of product is great for use
to recover from an injury or to help subdue pain before deep therapeutic massage and even chiropractic care. After application, Biofreeze works as a counter-irritant which means
that it’s effect overrides noxious pain signals traveling to the brain through a process
modulated between paintransmitting and non-paintransmitting neurons which is
known as “gate control”.
    In my experience, both personal and professional, I have had great results with Biofreeze. It works fast and has lasting effects with very little “medicine cabinet smell.” I
highly recommend Biofreeze for recovery and pain management; both minor and
major traumas alike.


“Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering – an image of death.”

I often talk about how therapeutic massage can help benefit the body by helping to remove metabolic wastes and stimulating the immune system which in turn allows the body to  function better. Now what if there was a  way for you to boost all those benefits even more, would you? A natural approach to doing just that is the addition of proper vitamins,  minerals, and other supplements into your regiment.

Vitamins and Minerals occur naturally in our foods, but due to our hectic lifestyles and by not always making the right decisions with our food choices, we don’t always get the appropriate amounts that we need. Vitamins and Minerals are essential for our bodies to function properly and at optimal levels. A lack of these nutrients, or deficiencies,  can compromise the way our bodies work as well as our overall health and wellness.

What are the correct nutritional supplements that  you should be taking? That  question usually plagues us all,  but there many sources online and in our communities that  can point us in the right direction.  Companies like Nutrilite  have been around for years and not only offer high quality vitamins and minerals, but also provide representatives who are well educated and can help you make the right decisions when choosing the right supplements.

I personally like to become as well versed as I can when it comes to what vitamins and minerals do what  for the body so that not only can I become healthier, but I can suggest to my massage clients what might be good choices to help with their recovery, improve their immune system,  and optimize their over all health.

    On my radio show,  Healthy U, tomorrow (Saturday October 20th, 2012) I  will be chatting with one of my local Nutrilite representatives, JD Porcelli. We will be chatting about vitamins,  minerals, and other supplements that can boost energy and help with recovery from  workouts  and other strenuous activities. If you are  interested and would like to learn more about what supplements could help you and how to easily get a hold of them, be sure to listen in from 2-4PM EST on

Beach weather is finally upon us and you know what that means, everyone wants to get their best beach body in shape and ready to head out. What this means for most is heading back in to the gym and for others it’s and increase in their workout. Either way, this can put a tremendous amount of stress on your body to the point it can cause pain and discomfort as well as limiting your ability and desire to keep up with your workouts. The most important part of a workout is the Recovery! The above Blog supplies you with 9 great ideas to help with your post-workout recovery. Follow this tips so that you can keep up with your workouts and so that you can move, feel, & BE better!

Pay close attention to #4 and #6! If you have any further questions, please feel free to comment or contact DEFINED: Therapeutic Massage (

Happy Training!

ChiroHealthWellness's Blog

So, you have finally dragged yourself to the gym; you eked out more sit-ups, push-ups, and miles today than you have in the past 5 years, and now you are exhausted, but you want to keep up your new workout regimen.  Recovery after exercise is essential to muscle and tissue repair and strength building.  A muscle needs anywhere from 24-48 hours after a workout to repair and rebuild, especially after a strength workout.  If recovery is not taken, a muscle simply will start to break down instead of build.  Here are 9 ways to make the most of your recovery hours that will keep the muscle soreness at a minimum, boost your energy level, and make your fitness goals a reality:


1.                  Rest.  Rest is one of the best ways to heal from illness, injury, and even from a tough workout.  So, kick off your shoes, sit back…

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