Archive for June, 2012

Beach weather is finally upon us and you know what that means, everyone wants to get their best beach body in shape and ready to head out. What this means for most is heading back in to the gym and for others it’s and increase in their workout. Either way, this can put a tremendous amount of stress on your body to the point it can cause pain and discomfort as well as limiting your ability and desire to keep up with your workouts. The most important part of a workout is the Recovery! The above Blog supplies you with 9 great ideas to help with your post-workout recovery. Follow this tips so that you can keep up with your workouts and so that you can move, feel, & BE better!

Pay close attention to #4 and #6! If you have any further questions, please feel free to comment or contact DEFINED: Therapeutic Massage (

Happy Training!

ChiroHealthWellness's Blog

So, you have finally dragged yourself to the gym; you eked out more sit-ups, push-ups, and miles today than you have in the past 5 years, and now you are exhausted, but you want to keep up your new workout regimen.  Recovery after exercise is essential to muscle and tissue repair and strength building.  A muscle needs anywhere from 24-48 hours after a workout to repair and rebuild, especially after a strength workout.  If recovery is not taken, a muscle simply will start to break down instead of build.  Here are 9 ways to make the most of your recovery hours that will keep the muscle soreness at a minimum, boost your energy level, and make your fitness goals a reality:


1.                  Rest.  Rest is one of the best ways to heal from illness, injury, and even from a tough workout.  So, kick off your shoes, sit back…

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