Posts Tagged ‘Resolutions’

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

-Arthur Ashe

One tradition around this time of year that people have been following less and less over the years is setting and more importantly achieving New Year’s Resolutions. In a study from December 2012 conducted by the University of Scranton, less than half of Americans regularly set resolutions any more and of those only about 8% successfully achieve their goals! Why is it that resolutions seem to be fading away from us? Most likely it is because we usually set resolutions based upon our past disappointments such as quit smoking, loose weight, & be less cluttered. When we look at these resolutions, they may have a tendency to remind us how we have let ourselves down in the past and it is often times this reminder that just allows us to give up on our resolutions. So what would be a good solution to this issue? Think about setting a New Life Resolution.

Albert Einstein once said “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This quote could not be closer to the truth. Humans are creatures of habit and seem to fall back into routines that we are comfortable with, but when those routines don’t work something needs to be adjusted. Setting 1 or 2 resolutions to achieve may not really impact your life enough to notice a change and that is why you may consider that New Life Resolution. Changing several aspects of your everyday by taking “baby steps” and shifting the way you live will have a bigger impact than forcefully and aggressively changing only 1 or 2. Think about it, most people look to exercise more, so they purchase a gym membership and start going to the gym five to seven days a week and push it to the point that they hurt or get exhausted within a month, then they stop and usually never look back. A better option is to just start walking 2 to 3 times a week and when you feel comfortable with that, move on to bigger better things. Appreciate the little accomplishments first because they are the foundation to larger and longer lasting accomplishments that will help you live a better life.

As a massage therapist I have noticed over the years that regular massage has helped stimulate the production of “feel good” endorphins which in turn helps maintain a positive attitude. A more positive attitude makes it easier to reach previously set resolutions and goals. Perhaps you can look into what many consider an “unconventional” approach in achieving this year’s resolutions and add regular therapeutic massage to your New Year’s routine!

Have a very safe, healthy, and happy 2015!

“Once you start replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results”

-Willie Nelson

Happy New Year 2014 DTMIt’s that time of year again, in fact it’s the beginning of the year and that means many will be creating resolutions to help them become a better person or accomplish goals. Most of the time these resolutions include losing weight, getting and staying fit, as well as becoming a better person overall. These resolutions can not always be the easiest to maintain and achieve the larger goal of becoming a better you. Massage may not
always be the first thing that you think of for support, but it is a great
option in creating a new you for the new year!
As you may know massage therapy has many benefits for your mind
and body, but how can massage help your resolutions make a better
you? Massage helps to relieve muscular tension and reduce pain in the
muscles and joints, this makes it easier for you to keep to your workouts. When you are able to workout more often, not only do you feel accomplished and healthier but you can be well on your way to losing weight. Another great way that regular massage can help to sustain your resolutions and assist in making a better you is through the regulation and balancing of hormones. Hormones play an important role in body functions and mood stabilization. When our hormones get out of proper balance due to stress, your body responds by weight gain, depression, and a negative attitude. Regular massage therapy stimulates the production and balance of good hormones in the body that promote metabolism, regulate mood, and boosts a positive attitude.
Resolutions are important to those who set them, so that they can become a better and even a newer version of themselves. If you have set some resolutions this year and feel like you could use some help achieving
them, give massage a chance to be a helping hand in the New Year.